It should be noted that Pennsylvania law does not explicitly exempt players from prosecution - it only (apparently) fails to proscribe any specific charges for players. Players do not appear to face any criminal liability as long as they are simply participants in the game. Penalties for illegal gambling in Pennsylvania are comparatively minor. Just how much chance must be involved remains an open issue in Pennsylvania. The general consensus seems to be that Pennsylvania requires the classic three elements - consideration (something of value given by the player), chance and reward - to be present for an activity to be considered gambling. Lacking a formal definition enshrined in state law, Pennsylvania falls back on a case law definition of the term. 'Unlawful' gambling is defined as gambling 'not specifically authorized by law,' but that's not much help.
If Pennsylvania law had a Facebook relationship with gambling, the status would almost certainly be 'it's complicated.' The state takes a fairly strict approach to unregulated gambling, an approach that is muddled by the absolute lack of a definition of 'gambling' anywhere in Pennsylvania law. Home » US Poker Laws » State Laws » Pennsylvania Poker Laws